Rocky and Bullwinkle—the original tv show I cut my wit-tle teeth on in the 1960’s. (Those who know me well are probably laughing, having just connected a few mental dots about my odd sense of humor and insistence that all jokes are better when told with a foreign accent. )
I watched only one episode, saving the rest as if they were a little tin of homemade baklava. Life is hard enough—I do not want to arrive at the day when I’ve seen the last episode on the list. So I must make a rationing plan, have self-discipline and refuse to click “play” before each anointed “Watch-me-pull-a-rabbit-outta-my-hat” Day. Yes, that’s it! A rationing plan. I must not eat my cookies before dinner.
Oh no. I just remembered Dudley Do Right and Fractured Fairy Tales. Mr. Peabody. Boris and Natasia. Mr. Know-It-All. Bullwinkle’s Corner….
Someone out there, please. Unplug me. I cannot do it mooself.
I am happy that upon clicking over here I did not find a recipe for Squirrel Mousse which is where my mind went when your post title appeared on my blog! : )