
Sunday, March 17, 2013


Yesterday an errand took longer than expected and I wound up far from home in need of lunch. I popped into a small Thai restaurant for a bowl of curry. When I was almost finished, a man came in to pick up his take-out order. When he left, the Thai waitress came over and said he had paid my tab. 

I was just stunned. I've heard of this happening but it's never happened to me. She said often monks come in there and others pay their bill. I looked around the small restaurant-- every table had 2 people except for one, where a man was checking out the menu. I whispered to the waitress that I was gonna pick up his tab when he ordered. She said it wasn't necessary, but you know I was giddy like a little kid just thinking about paying it forward.

I paid and left there on cloud nine. I was a kinder and more careful driver. I smiled all the way home. I was more loving towards my dogs and flowed into a stressful situation that arose for one of our beloved sangha members. Today my heart still feels softer and more open. It was such a beautiful example of how one person's act of kindness has a ripple effect that can never be measured.

And that curry was totally awesome. 


  1. Cool. And now I know someone that this actually happened to!

  2. I loved this story.

    I wonder how the man you bought dinner for responded when he discovered he didn't owe anything? It would be amazing if he decided to pay for someone else's food...but I guess we'll never know. :)

  3. I love this, and it made my day to read it.

  4. I have done this for a while, buying a coffee for the car behind me in the drive thru, especially on rainy, dreary days. It makes me feel good and I hope it made that person behind me feel good. And one day, someone bought my coffee. It's a wonderful feeling. Pay it forward!!
