Here are a few things that caught my attention this week :
Elizabeth Edwards—wife of John Edwards for those with short-term memory disorders—has written a new book called Resilience. Her publishers said, “[Edwards is] one of the most beloved political figures in the country, and on the surface, seems to have led a charmed life.”
Some charmed life—she lost her teenage son in a car accident and has been living in the national political spotlight while dealing with breast cancer.
The Broadway Diner in Baltimore has a tabletop touchscreen computer game called Merit Megatouch. There's even a “My Merit” button to see how much you've accumulated. Wish it were that easy.

I’m a biologist and a Dr. Seuss fan. Imagine my delight when those worlds collided for me this week, and a new species of sea squirt was discovered
Living in their
Sneak-a-peeky world
in the deep Australian swirl
Or if you prefer,
"'It was truly one of those transcendent moments," said the cruise's lead scientist, Jess Adkins of Caltech. "We were flying — literally flying — over these deep-sea structures that look like English gardens, but are actually filled with all of these carnivorous, Seuss-like creatures that no one else has ever seen.'"
A mere fifteen days after Obama put on his Inauguration shoes to begin leading the nation out of the smoldering ruins left by George Bush, Newsweek ran a story about the Obama administration titled, “Losing Control.” Not like we have unrealistic expectations of the guy, huh? What did they expect? It’s much too early for President Obama to put on his blue tights and red cape. That’s Spring wear and everyone knows it.
Millard Fuller, the co-founder of Habitat for Humanity died this week.He believed, “We want to make shelter a matter of conscience. We want to make it socially, morally, politically and religiously unacceptable to have substandard housing and homelessness.”
A man who walked his talk, he chose to be buried “in a simple pine box.”
While speaking about malaria education and eradication at the annual Technology, Entertainment and Design conference in Long Beach, California, Bill Gates opened a jar containing (malaria-free) mosquitoes and set them free in the room. That was probably good for both the mosquitoes and his fundraising.
All this amazing compilation of information - and I have to go for the one line I can't resist...
ReplyDelete"That's Spring wear and everyone knows it."