Similarly, winter in Maryland has been brutally cold this year. It's my first winter here, and I've done my fair share of complaining about it. Actually it's more like complete bewilderment, as I walk outside into the icy air and say things like, "Is it really this cold? How can it be? It barely even snows here!" I find my head chronically cocked to the side like Forrest Gump. But the locals are complaining, too, and they don't seem overly delicate. (Especially not the guard at the local Social Security office-- she's about the toughest-looking person I've ever seen. Like she could just look at you and crack a bone.)
The cold winter has put wildlife in jeopardy. Biologists are scratching their heads (though not in panic, they insist) at the curious absence of acorns along the entire East Coast this year. The lack of their staple food plus the cold has led to record numbers of squirrels dying from starvation.
So here we all are-- humans and animals alike-- being increasingly frozen and melted each year as if we were being stored in a huge, malfunctioning refrigerator. Toss in eight years of unregulated corporate greed that encouraged irresponsible consumer spending, and that deliberately ignored and suppressed scientific evidence of global warming (all of which can be filed under "W") and we all know what a mess we have on our hands. Ecosystems and economies thrive on homeostasis. Neither does well with crisis-- the imbalance has to get absorbed somewhere and always rattles down the food chain to take out the weakest links first.
One of the things I love about Buddhism is that it's always concerned with the weakest links. My Lama has this thing about feeding hungry beings. In a teaching years ago she said, "I feed everything." It's true-- wherever she goes, her trees are always filled with bird feeders and she routinely feeds the deer and other wildlife.
Inspired by her compassion, our sangha has put out birdseed, salt licks, corn and nuts at the temple and our own homes to help the wildlife survive. I have one skinny squirrel in my yard who's so hungry he eats bits of garbage he finds in the common areas. He doesn't even look up as I step two feet from him. I've been slopping fatty peanut butter on a fence post for him, which he devours every day. My lousy camera phone won't let me get a good picture of him, but I did get this shot of Patch mesmerized by the squirrel. You can pencil in a scrawny squirrel in the upper left corner.

With hunger affecting more and more people, Jetsunma asked us to begin a food bank at our Maryland temple : "Give what you can, Take what you need." I saw it today-- one day after this picture was taken. We already need a bigger bin.

Times are hard and probably will get harder. A box of macaroni and cheese might just be the new face of compassion in 2009.
"Brutally cold." I guess KPC won't station you in Mongolia anytime soon! Here, the sun's well up, and it's -34F with a li'l breeze out of Siberia making it feel like 48 below. Luckily, my morning meeting was canceled and I can concentrate on chipping the ice off my windows.
ReplyDeleteOh, I just knew you would throw in a Mongolian weather report! But you know, someone out there reading this is even colder and way north of you, so NO SUN! Take that! Whaddya gonna do next-- ask for a transfer to KPC Pluto?
ReplyDeleteThe double Libra in me just has to say to you both, and CLEARLY you have past life (perhaps fairly recent) sibling karma...
ReplyDelete"According to the latest perception polls... Mongolia Winter to a healthy monk = Maryland Winter to a Wegener's nun."
There. You guys is all fair-square... even-Steven. Moving. On. Now.
Please tell Patch that the squirrel show is Joy Beagle's FAVORITE pass time as well. Although there is a slinky neighborhood cat now trying to turn our back yard nut bowl into his hook up on the food chain.
Our little squirrels are (fortunately) protected from stealth kitty by four barking muzzles at the back door every time the cat dares appear anywhere near the tree.
Who knew the dogs would inadvertently save the squirrels life with their "we-wanna-kill-the-cat" insanity??